Challenge Course Credit

UTI (Automotive & Diesel Technology)/ NASCAR Tech/UTI

A student or sponsoring agency may request challenge exam credit. There is a maximum number of six courses that may be challenged.

UTI Motorcycle Programs

A student or sponsoring agency may request challenge exam credit for only the following courses:

  • MOTD‑101 Engines, Transmissions and Precision Measurement
  • MOTD‑102 Chassis, Suspension and Final Drive
  • MOTD‑103 Electrical Systems
  • MOTD‑104 Vehicle Maintenance
  • MOTD‑105 Engine Troubleshooting and Noise Diagnosis
    • Note: To challenge MOTD‑105, you must complete or successfully challenge MOTD‑101.
  • MOTD‑106 Electrical Diagnostics
    • Note: To challenge MOTD‑106, you must complete or successfully challenge MOTD‑103.

UTI Marine Program

A student or sponsoring agency may request challenge exam credit for only the following courses:

  • MRND‑101 Engines
  • MRND‑102 Lower Units/Outdrives
  • MRND‑103 Rigging
  • MRND‑104 Service Operations
  • MRND‑105 Fuel & Lubrication Systems
  • MRND‑106 Electrical Basics
  • MRND‑107 Electrical Systems
    • Note: To challenge MRND‑107, you must complete or successfully challenge MRND‑106.

Robotics Program

A student or sponsoring agency may request challenge exam credit for only the following courses:

  • ET10‑104 DC Electrical Theory
  • ET10‑105 AC Electrical Theory
  • RT10‑102 Practical Math and Applied Physics
    • Student must provide proof of OSHA 10 certification
  • RT10‑103 Metrology
  • RT10‑201 Digital Electronics and Circuits
  • RT10‑207 Computer Aided Design
  • RT10‑209 Hydraulics and Pneumatics

IMT/Wind Program

 A student or sponsoring agency may request challenge exam credit for only the following courses:

  • ET10‑101 Energy Industry Fundamentals
    • Student must show proof of EIF certification
  • ET10‑102 Safety Compliance
  • ET10‑104 DC Electrical Theory
  • ET10‑105 AC Electrical Theory
  • RT10‑102 Practical Math and Applied Physics
    • Student must provide proof of OSHA 10 certification
  • RT10‑103 Metrology


Aviation Program

A student or sponsoring agency may request challenge exam credit for only the following courses:

  • AS10‑101 Human Factors, Math & Basic Physics
  • AS10‑102 Drawings, FARs, and Ground Control
  • AS10‑103 Materials and Processes, Cleaning and Corrosion, Inspection
  • AS10‑104 Fluid Lines, Fittings, Tools, Safety, and Weights and Balance
  • AS10‑105 Basic Electricity I
  • AS10‑106 Basic Electricity II

Students who have achieved FAA certification are not required to challenge test courses in that section as knowledge mastery is demonstrated via the certification process.

HVACR Program

A student or sponsoring agency may request challenge exam credit for only the following courses:

  • HV10‑001 HVAC Core & Basic Electricity
  • HV10‑002 Electric Motors, OSHA
  • HV10‑003 Basic Refrigeration Systems
  • HV10‑004 Air Conditioning Systems I
  • HV10‑007 Heating Systems II
  • HV10‑009 Construction Codes and EPA 608
  • Student must provide EPA 608

In addition to a challenge exam, students will be required to complete a hands‑on demonstration to validate proficiency of the course content for all HVACR courses except HV10‑009.

Collision Repair & Refinish Program

Students may challenge only the courses below, provided they have current completion records in the required I‑CAR modules listed and are verified with their I‑CAR transcripts:

  • CRRT‑101 Exterior Panel Alignment
  • CRRT‑105 Welding and Cutting
  • CRRT‑108 Introduction to Refinishing
  • CRRT‑124 Exterior Panel Repair II

CNC Machining/Welding Programs

CNCT and Welding: Students may request a challenge exam for up to six courses in either the CNCT or Welding program based on experience, training and education. In addition tochallenge exam, students will be required to complete a hands‑on demonstration to validate proficiency of the course content.

UTI may award course credit when a challenge exam is passed. We allow challenge testing based on student attestation of prior related experience, related and current ASE certification, or education that demonstrates proficiency of the content knowledge. Student attestation consists of having the student document in writing what prior related experience they have had in the field. Courses with the tested out status will not be included in MTF, pace of progression, or CGPA calculations.

If the request occurred prior to completion of the first course period of attendance, program tuition will be decreased based on the number of approved challenge tests the student passes. Challenge requests made after the completion of the first course period of attendance will not decrease program tuition. There are no fees for challenge exams.

Note: Any student using veterans education benefits must undergo an evaluation for all potential challenges and transfer course credit to comply with Veterans Affairs (VA) requirements. Challenge credit will be granted based on successfully completing an examination. All appropriate credit will be recorded on the student’s enrollment record, with the length of the program reduced accordingly. UTI must notify the VA that all education and prior training for each VA student has been evaluated and credit granted where appropriate.

All students receiving VA benefits who have attended another school, received prior training or have related work experience must provide official transcripts and/or related documents so evaluation can take place. Benefit cessation will occur for failure to provide appropriate documentation within the designated time frame. Students receiving VA benefits are eligible to challenge any course based on evaluation of previous training. Students receiving VA benefits are not limited to the number of courses they can challenge.

Campus Transfer Credit Through Challenge Testing

Per the standards of our accrediting body, the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC), a student must complete at least 25% of the program in which they will earn credentials. The 25% rule was established to maintain the integrity of accredited institutions and ensure students receive appropriate training for their tuition dollars. For UTI students, the 25% rule affects how and when a campus transfer can occur. For example, if a student is enrolled in a program that is 100 credits, they must complete at least 25 of the credits at the campus from which they will graduate. The only exception to this rule is if the student is transferring to another UTI location to complete manufacturer‑specific training. In these instances, the 25% rule does not apply. In all other instances, students must complete at least 25% of their training at the UTI location that issues their credentials. Note, the exception to the 25% rule does not apply to students in Auto, Diesel or Automotive/Diesel who want to withdraw and transfer to another UTI campus. The exception only applies to program combinations that include manufacturer‑specific training. Students may speak to a team member of the Student Services Department to review this rule in detail and receive answers to any questions they may have about their specific situations.