Comprehensive Student Complaint and Dispute Resolution System

Primary Resolution System

UTI is dedicated to the professional and technical development of its students. To ensure each student is afforded fair, nondiscriminatory treatment, UTI has developed policies to govern student professional conduct, academic performance, and administrative actions.

UTI has created a primary resolution system to facilitate the resolution of any concern or complaint with UTI, including the process of recruitment and enrollment, the educational process, financial matters, and placement assistance. If you are not satisfied with the results, you have the right to pursue further action through arbitration (Secondary Resolution System).

If the student has any concerns or complaints, they should be first addressed informally with your classroom instructor or if it is not an instructional issue, with the appropriate UTI staff member. In many cases, issues are resolved at this informal level. If that approach does not resolve the concerns, a formal primary resolution process begins by presenting a written description of your complaint to the Director of Education or Campus President.

The written complaint must include as much information as possible to assist in addressing the concern, and must include a statement of actions needed to resolve the matter. The complaint must be signed and dated by the student and must include a valid address and telephone number. The complaint should be submitted within fourteen (14) calendar days of the incident giving rise to the complaint, or after attempts to informally resolve the matter have ended, whichever is later.

A written response from the Director of Education or Campus President will be provided to the written complaint. If the student is dissatisfied with this response, they may appeal the decision to the School Review Board. The appeal must be in writing and submitted within 14 calendar days of the student’s receipt of the written response to his or her complaint.

A student who is placed on academic or professional conduct warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal may request review of the decision:

School Review Board
c/o UTI

2955 South Haggerty Road
Canton, MI 48188

The request for review must be made within fourteen (14) days of the warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal. The request must be in writing and signed by the individual. The request for review must contain the reasons for the academic, attendance or conduct violation. In addition, the student’s plan to comply with the academic, attendance or conduct policy must be stated. The request must provide current student contact information, including a valid address and telephone number.

In summary, if a student has any questions, concerns, or complaints, UTI recommends that the student adhere to the following process for seeking assistance:

Level 1: Education Manager, Instructor or appropriate UTI staff member (through informal means)

Level 2: Director of Education, or Campus President (through written complaint)

Level 3: School Review Board (for review of any disciplinary decision or review of a Level 2 response to any written complaint)

Secondary Resolution System (Arbitration)

As a condition of enrollment, Universal Technical Institute, Inc. (“UTI”) requires each student to sign a binding arbitration agreement. Under the arbitration agreement, each student and UTI agree to resolve through binding and mandatory arbitration any dispute between the student and UTI or any current or former employee(s) of UTI. Arbitration is the referral of a dispute to an impartial person (an arbitrator) for a final and binding determination of the dispute. In agreeing to binding and mandatory arbitration, the parties voluntarily give up certain rights, including the right to pursue a dispute in court, the right to a trial by a judge or jury, rights to appeal, and other rights that may be available in a court, such as broader discovery rights. As provided by the arbitration agreement, the parties also give up the right to bring or participate in any class action, collective action, private attorney general action, or any other type of action or proceeding in which anyone acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity on behalf of others. If you have any questions about this arbitration agreement or the arbitration process, please contact Student Services.

Modifications to Arbitration Agreement

As required by 34 C.F.R. § 685.300(e) and (f), UTI agrees to the following modifications of this arbitration agreement, but only to the extent and so long as the regulations requiring the modifications remain in effect. To the extent the regulation is declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction or is rescinded by the United States Department of Education, the modification associated with the invalidated or rescinded regulation shall immediately become null and void:

Modification Required by 34 C.F.R. § 685.300(e). We agree that this agreement cannot be used to stop you from being part of a class action lawsuit in court. You may file a class action lawsuit in court, or you may be a member of a class action lawsuit even if you do not file it. This provision applies only to class action claims concerning our acts or omissions regarding the making of the Direct Loan or our provision of educational services for which the Direct Loan was obtained. We agree that the court has exclusive jurisdiction to decide whether a claim asserted in the lawsuit is a claim regarding the making of the Federal Direct Loan or the provision of educational services for which the loan was obtained.

Modification Required by 34 C.F.R. § 685.300(f). We agree that neither we nor anyone else will use this agreement to stop you from bringing a lawsuit concerning our acts or omissions regarding the making of the Federal Direct Loan or the provision by us of educational services for which the Federal Direct Loan was obtained. You may file a lawsuit for such a claim, or you may be a member of a class action lawsuit for such a claim even if you do not file it. This provision does not apply to lawsuits concerning other claims. We agree that only the court is to decide whether a claim asserted in the lawsuit is a claim regarding the making of the Federal Direct Loan or the provision of educational services for which the loan was obtained.