Course Retakes

All failed courses required for an enrolled program of study must be retaken until successfully completed. A student is permitted to retake only one course for any reason at no additional charge for the duration of their program within the same department group. If a student voluntarily repeats a course to improve grades, the student must take the repeat course prior to the final course in their program. The course will be scheduled as a retake and all academic standards are applicable, as described further in this section. (After a program is completed, all repeated courses are refreshers and do not impact grades or Cumulative Grade Point Average.) Upon the second and subsequent retakes, the student will incur a $750 charge.

Retake fee appeals will be considered if students had extenuating circumstances (with documentation) that prevented them from successfully completing the course and/or they academically failed after exhausting all options and resources. Students wishing to appeal a retake fee should consult the Course Retake Fee Appeal Types section below and contact the Student Services department for more detail on this appeals process.

A student may retake a previously completed course at no charge if a class is not available in the student’s scheduled session as long as space permits. The course will be scheduled as a retake and the final grade, including an attendance or academic failure, will appear on the transcript. The course with the highest overall grade will be included in CGPA calculations. Standards of Academic Progress (SAP) and academic standing policies apply to voluntary retakes as well as required retakes.

In situations when a student completed courses under different curriculum versions, it is not always possible for the course that is voluntarily retaken to replace the previous course(s) grade.

This occurs when courses in one program do not have direct equivalents in the other program/curriculum. In these situations, the course(s) that is voluntarily retaken will remain on the top of the transcript and included in CGPA calculations as will the prior course(s) since there is not a direct (1:1) course equivalent. For more information, please visit the Student Services Department.

Upon graduation, students may return at any time and refresh classes from their original programs as often as they desire at no additional tuition cost (provided the course is still offered and there is space available in the course). See the Graduate Refreshers section for more information.