Cummins Power Generation

The first Cummins Power Generation course, CPGN‑001, has a GATE test in the third week of the course. Passing the GATE is measured by scoring an 84% or above on both the BETT and safety written tests, and a 90% or above on the BETT lab test. Students who do not achieve the minimum requirements will have failed CPGN‑001 and be required to repeat the course in order to continue in the Cummins Power Generation program. Students who fail the GATE will not be allowed to take any further post‑tests in the respective CPGN‑001 course without a complete course retake.

In ​order to be eligible for the Cummins Power Generation program students must have a 3.0 GPA or better.​

Having received the initial BETT and safety credentials, a student must achieve an 84% in classroom and 90% in lab evaluations on each credential that follows in order to receive that credential. However, a student may continue the remaining Cummins Power Generation courses (CPGN‑002, CPGN‑003, and CPGN‑004) and not earn credentials by meeting UTI grading standards of 70% or greater. In order to be considered a Cummins Power Generation graduate by Cummins and receive the related qualifications, student must meet the education objectives of an 84% minimum on written tests and a 90% minimum on lab tests.

Upon completion of the Cummins Power Generation program, a student may be classified as either a program graduate or a program completed student.