Entrance Counseling
UTI/NASCAR Tech requires Federal Direct Student Loan borrowers to complete loan entrance counseling prior to a first disbursement of loan funds. Entrance Federal student loan counseling must be completed online at https://studentaid.gov/entrance‑counseling. Students lacking outside computer access may use the computer lab in the campus learning center. Members of the campus financial aid staff are available to answer any questions. Entrance counseling generally includes the following:
- explanation of the use of a master promissory note (MPN)
- importance of repayment obligation
- description of consequences of default
- sample repayment schedules
- information in reference to a borrower’s rights and responsibilities
- other terms and conditions
Exit Counseling
UTI/NASCAR Tech ensures loan exit counseling is conducted prior to graduation and/or via mail within 30 days of withdrawal from enrollment. Graduating students must complete their required exit counseling online at https://studentaid.gov/exit‑counseling. Withdrawn students will receive a Federal Exit Counseling Guide through regular mail and be encouraged to complete the online counseling. Exit counseling generally includes the following:
- importance of repayment obligation
- description of consequences of default
- sample repayment schedules
- information in reference to a borrower’s rights and responsibilities
- payment deferment and forbearance options
- other terms and conditions