GE10-112: Public Speaking

UTI Tech I
Lec 40.00 Lab 0.00
Sem 2.50

This course gives you a reliable model for preparing and delivering effective presentations. In business, in school, and in public life, we communicate both verbally and nonverbally. This course is designed to help you enhance your communication skills. Students learn how organize talks clearly, write them memorably, and deliver them confidently. By the end of the course, students are able to significantly reduce their fear of public speaking, use rehearsal techniques to develop a strong, vibrant speaking voice, and perform speeches with dynamic movement and gestures. The speech model that we’ll practice is useful for briefings, elevator talks, interviews, and even as a structure for hour-long presentations. If you’re a beginner, this course will help you quickly master the fundamentals of speaking. If you’re a seasoned speaker, this course will help you better understand public speaking and push you to the next level.

Exton, PA