Grading Categories

Successful completion of the course is determined by obtaining passing grades in all applicable categories below. Failing to meet the benchmark in one or more of the applicable categories, regardless of the other grades, will result in course failure unless otherwise noted. The Education Grading Policy Appendix at the end of this policy provides program‑specific details, as well as weighted calculations for each of the elements within a category.

  1. Overall Course Grade
    Students must score 70% or higher on their Overall Course Grade, in addition to passing scores on all relevant categories below as described in the Education Grading Policy Appendix. The Overall Course Grade is comprised of:
    • Class Grade
    • Lab Grade
  2. Class Grade
    Students must score 70% or higher on a combination of the items below to complete the Class Grade portion of this course*. The Class grade is a part of the overall course grade, and is comprised of:
    • Unit quizzes & assignments
    • Final Exam
    • Interactive Online Learnings (IOLs) and Test Drives (specific programs – see Education Grading Policy Appendix)
    • Outside‑of‑Class Assignments (specific programs – see Education Grading Policy Appendix)
  3. Lab Grade
    Students must score 70% or higher on a combination of the following items to complete the Lab Grade portion of the course*. The Lab Grade is part of the Overall Course Grade, and is comprised of:
    • Lab assignments
    • Lab final(s)
  4. Professionalism Standards
    Students must score 70% or higher in this category to pass the course**. Students will start with 100 points and will receive a deduction for each instance of not meeting the following standards:
    • Attitude: Exhibiting positive behaviors when things go right AND when things go wrong.
    • Appearance: Compliance with dress code.
    • Work Habits & Accountability: Courtesy, safety, cleanliness and following rules.
    • Communication: Listening and interacting effectively with other students and staff.
    • Punctuality & Attendance: the ability to show up on time.
      • 1 infraction is given for each instance of lateness or leaving before the end of class.
      • 3 infractions are given for daily absences.
    • Teamwork: Cooperating with others.
    • Problem Solving: Effectively solving problems and knowing when to ask for help.
    • Ethics: Doing the right thing.
      Multiple infractions may be given for excessive instances of unprofessional behavior. Exceeding 7 infractions results in course failure. Students do not have remediation options available to them for incurring professionalism infractions, except for those due to absences. See Infractions Waiver section.
  5. Online Academic Activity Standards
    Note: This category only applies to students enrolled in an Auto, Diesel, Auto/Diesel, Marine or Motorcycle program. Students must complete at least 70% of the following online coursework by the end of the course to complete the course:
    • Digital Lesson Presentations (Specific Programs – see Education Grading Policy Appendix)
    • Video assignments (Specific Programs – see Education Grading Policy Appendix)
      • ILT lecture videos
      • ILT demos
      • Lab demonstrations
      • Summaries
    • Progress Analysis Assignment
  6. Threaded Discussions
    Note: This category only applies to students enrolled in an Auto, Diesel, Auto/Diesel, Marine or Motorcycle program. Students must score at least 66.67% of the available Threaded Discussion points by the end of the course.
    • Threaded Discussions are due weekly and may have additional due dates during the week.
      • Threaded discussions are submitted online, and feedback will be provided back to the student within 5 business days.
  7. Interactive Online Learning (IOLs) and Test Drives
    Note: This category only applies to students enrolled in an Auto, Diesel, or Auto/Diesel program.
    Students must score at least 70% of the available IOL Test Drive points by the end of the course rotation to complete the course.
    * Motorcycle and Freightliner Finish First excepted. Refer to Education Grading Policy Appendix for more information.
    ** Freightliner Finish First excepted. Refer to Education Grading Policy Appendix for more information.