MTEC-001: Mopar TEC 1

UTI Tech I
Lec 34.00 Lab 56.00
Sem 4.00

As a student in UTI’s Mopar TEC program, you will learn how to diagnose, maintain and repair Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Dodge, FIAT, Jeep and Ram automobiles and trucks. You also will learn how to troubleshoot problems of all kinds, using the latest engine and analyzers, handheld scanners and other computerized diagnostic equipment. You will learn about everything from engine repair and performance to automatic transmissions, drivelines, chassis systems, electrical and body systems, A/C & heating, and diesel.

Students will be introduced to “The Role of a Stellantis Technician” and the importance of the professional approach when “Connecting With the Customer.” The students will learn how an Stellantis retail operation is structured and functions, and how information flows within the dealership. They also will receive an overview of the warranty processes, with emphasis on the value and culture behind the Stellantis customer experience. The students will be introduced to the handling, techniques, and care of precision tools and equipment. Students will learn the approved method for removal, service and replacement of internal vehicle system components. They also will work with console controls for convenience systems and instrument panels, with emphasis on proper removal procedures to prevent damage to the technology housed inside them.


All Automotive Technology courses except DADA-135, DADA-125, DADN-140 and DADN-141

Stellantis specific diagnostic equipment, Wi-Tech (scan functions), electrical test boards and electrical trainers, digital multimeters and laptop computers
Mooresville, NC