
Grade Policy

Overall Course Grade

20% class grade/80% lab grade.

Class Grade

Average of all tests/quizzes.

Quiz/Test/Final Makeup Opportunities

1 quiz

Lab Grade

Weighted average of all labs
(Except H-D Late Model courses and HonTech HTCD-201, HTCD-202, HTCD-204)
Harley-Davidson Late Model courses and HonTech (except HTCD-203): Lab grade is calculated based on efficiency and productivity scores for all labs performed during the course.


100 - 4.28 for each infraction
Must score 7 infractions or fewer

Online Academic Activity

Average Video and Progress Analysis
Assignment completion.
Must score 70% or better to pass course.

Interactive Online Learning (IOL)


Threaded Discussion

Average of all Threaded Discussions.
Must score 66.67% to pass course.


Outside-of-class Assignments: 10% of quizzes.
Students cannot fail due to individual component scores / grades below 70%; instead, the overall course grade and attendance grades are used as a measure of completion.