NASCAR Programs


ADTN-142: NASCAR Chassis Applications

Sem 4

Students will learn to apply chassis options, including shocks, suspension, tires, weight distribution, brakes and drive trains. Also covered will be modifications during racing and qualifying vs. race setup.

ADTN-146: NASCAR Pit Crew

Sem 4

Students will learn NASCAR rules, safety concerns, equipment, race-day preparation, possible adjustments during a pit stop and damage repair. Topics covered include penalties for infractions, fire control, tire handling, video usage to improve team performance and pit stop choreography. Lab work will include performance as a pit crew member.

ADTN-147: NASCAR Fabrication I – Finish Fabrication

Sem 4

Students will learn fabrication methods used in creating a competitive NASCAR body. Topics covered include pattern layout and design, fitting panels, making and attaching dash panels, creating ductwork and installing NACA ducts. Students will learn to use tools such as bead rollers, sheet metal brakes, finger brakes, hand snips, shears and the English wheel.

ADTN-148: NASCAR Fabrication II – Chassis Fabrication

Sem 4

Students will learn fabrication techniques used in building a competitive NASCAR chassis. Topics covered include reading blueprints, use of jigs, fitting tubing, welding (MIG and TIG), chassis inspection and installation of brackets.

ADTN-149: NASCAR Fabrication III – Advanced Fabrication & Aerodynamics

Sem 4

Students will learn the fundamentals and application of aerodynamics for a NASCAR body. Topics covered include airflow management, downforce, drag, effects of aerodynamic aids and use of wind tunnel data. Lab projects include advanced fabrication projects in a simulated race shop environment.

DADN-140: NASCAR Engines I

Sem 4

Students will learn techniques for building a competitive NASCAR engine. Topics covered include NASCAR rules, cylinder head preparation, camshaft selection/installation, engine assembly and working in a zero-defect environment.

DADN-141: NASCAR Engines II

Sem 4

Students will learn to install ancillary equipment and test a competitive NASCAR engine. Topics covered include race-day longevity; fuel, cooling, lubrication and exhaust systems; restrictor plate issues; working with dynamometers; and adjustments that can be made at the track.