Prior to graduation, the Career Services department will send out a notification to the pending graduate of the requirement to complete the Pre-Graduation Review process. Each department will sign-off on the “Pre-Graduation Review” form to ensure each section has been completed.
The following is a list by department of the requirements that must be met to complete the Pre-Graduation Review process. Due to an extensive audit process, all certificates/diplomas or degrees will be issued within forty-five (45) business days via mail. Additional copies may be obtained anytime thereafter for a $20 charge and requests will be processed online through a partnership with Parchment.
Student Records
The student must submit a Request for Program Certificate/ Diploma or Degree. Students Records will audit the student file to verify all required grades are complete.
Financial Aid
For students who have taken student loans, they must complete online exit counseling with the Department of Education accessed at [Please note – instructions are available in the Financial Aid Department.] Typically, UTI will receive notification the next business day that a student has completed counseling. The student should check in with Financial Aid to confirm.
Student Accounts
The student must confirm with Student Accounts/ Bookkeeping the student’s account has a zero ($0) balance or that the student is current on their original payment contract (“original payment contract” is the first contract signed when the student started school, prior to any approved or unapproved reductions or delays in payment).
Career Services
The student is required to meet with their assigned Career Advisor for a discussion regarding their employment needs and a review of their resume. The student will complete all necessary paperwork and provide updated contact information.