
Following procedures established by federal regulations, a federal financial aid applicant may be selected for the verification process by the U.S. Department of Education. The purpose of verification is to maintain the integrity of federal financial aid programs by verifying the information provided by students and parents on the FAFSA. An asterisk next to the Student Aid Index (SAI) on the FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS) identifies applicants selected for verification. For those selected, MIAT requires verification to be complete prior to the award and disbursement of federal financial aid funds.

If an applicant is selected for verification, MIAT will request appropriate documentation, which may include an IRS tax transcript from the student and parent (and spouse, if applicable) and a completed verification worksheet. Additional documents may be requested by MIAT to complete the application process. A student will receive written notification from MIAT of the verification requirements and deadlines for completion of the process. Failure to comply with any request for verification documents can result in disqualification for federal financial aid program funds. Based on the documentation provided to achieve an accurate FAFSA output and Student Aid Index for aid awarding purposes, MIAT will perform corrections to FAFSA data and submit it to the U.S. Department of Education as needed.