
Students in good standing at the time of withdrawal from school are eligible to reapply for admission. If a student is approved for reenrollment, the student may be subject to a probationary period depending on his or her status at the time of withdrawal.

The Student Services department provides assistance with the reenrollment process. (Due to the COVID pandemic, some students left school prior to completing the lab portion of their course(s). Those courses will reflect as Dropped‑Incomplete.

Students will need to retake the course in full in its current format upon return.)

Students may be granted re‑enrollment after suspension at the discretion of the Student Services Director or designee. Terminated students must submit a successful appeal for re‑enrollment and should consult the Appeals (other than FA Probation) section of this Catalog. Generally, all withdrawn students must wait to resume school at least six weeks to allow for record processing. Upon re‑enrolling from suspension for failing to meet the terms of an academic probation, students will be placed on a two‑course academic probation and financial aid eligibility will be reinstated. Failure of either course during the probation period will result in termination from school. Please see the Academic Standing vs. Satisfactory Academic Progress chart for more details. Those who wish to re‑enroll and graduate from a lesser program must first fulfill or resolve any outstanding appeals, drug treatment counseling, disciplinary concerns, etc., if applicable. Students in these scenarios should contact Student Services for additional guidance.

In order to receive the tuition price at the time of the student’s original enrollment, the student must re‑enroll into the same department group and resume class within three years of their last date of attendance. After three years, students are subject to the current tuition price.

Re‑enroll students are subject to the retake fee policy under Course Retakes effective September 1, 2023. Re‑enroll benefits are still being honored for eligible students until no longer applicable.

Students are required to complete at least 25% of the credits for their program at the location awarding their credentials. Exceptions to this policy are made for students who transfer to attend an MSAT program. Students returning to a degree‑ granting program may have additional credit requirements if the student previously attended a non‑degree program; Student Services will review additional credit requirements with students during the re‑enroll process.

Graduates who wish to re‑enroll in the same department group will receive the tuition price at the time of the student’s original enrollment if they re‑enroll and resume class within three years of their graduation date. After three years, graduates are subject to the current tuition price. Note: the tuition for graduates who wish to return will be based on flat rate tuition where available.

Students must pay a minimum of $250 towards their balance AND have identified funding to cover all of the prior balance prior to re‑enrollment. Students will be eligible to make payments on the remaining balance. Students with remaining prior balances must meet with a financial aid advisor to be counseled and work through the funding options. If a student cannot identify a funding source outside and chooses to utilize the payment plan, for a portion or all of the prior balance, the payment plan must still be financially reasonable and appropriate for the student’s needs and ability to pay. Note: If a student is able to secure the entire prior balance, including the $250 payment minimum with alternative resources, then an exception can be made for the $250 payment prior to re‑enrollment.