Statement of Non‑Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Expression

Universal Technical Institute is committed to maintaining safe learning and working environments for students, employees and third parties. UTI prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, and any other legally protected status in the provision of its courses, programs, services or activities.

UTI welcomes students who are transgender and does not discriminate based on gender identity or expression. UTI provides the following information to help ensure an inclusive experience for students, regardless of their gender identity or expression:

Names and Pronouns

Students who wish to use names and pronouns that reflect their gender identity or expression rather than their birth names may contact Student Services to discuss their needs. The Student Services Director reviews requests and works with students and UTI administrators to address students’ requests. For example, if a student wishes to use the name “Jane Doe” rather than the birth name “John Doe,” the Student Services Director works with the student to complete a Preferred Name Change Request document.


Transgender students may use the restroom of their choice, including the restroom that corresponds to the students’ gender identity or expression. For example, a student who is transitioning from male to female may use the women’s restroom. On some UTI campuses, a limited number of gender‑neutral restrooms may be available.

On‑Campus Support

Transgender students who have questions about this notice may contact the Student Services Department on campus.

How to Raise Concerns

Students who have concerns about possible discrimination or harassment based on gender identity or expression in UTI’s programs or activities are encouraged to contact UTI’s Title IX Coordinator. UTI takes prompt and appropriate action to address discrimination or harassment in its programs and activities, including taking steps to end discrimination or harassment, eliminating a hostile environment if one has been created, and preventing the recurrence of future discrimination or harassment. UTI’s Title IX Coordinator may be reached at:

Director of Program Compliance Title IX Coordinator
4225 E. Windrose Dr., Suite 200
Phoenix, Arizona 85032

UTI’s Title IX Policy—which sets forth UTI’s prohibition against discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on sex, including gender identity or expression—is available at or in the Student Services Department. The Policy also explains how to obtain interim remedies and the procedure for resolving complaints.

Florida Campuses Only:

Under the Florida Safety in Private Spaces Act, Fl. Stat. § 553.865, a person may only enter a restroom or changing facility on the school’s premises that is designated for the person’s biological sex at birth or that is designated as a unisex restroom or changing facility, except that a person may enter a restroom or changing facility on the school’s premises that is designated for the opposite of the person’s biological sex at birth only under the following circumstances: (a) To accompany a person of the opposite sex for the purpose of assisting or chaperoning a child under the age of 12, an elderly person, or a person with a disability or a developmental disability; (b) For law enforcement or governmental regulatory purposes; (c) For the purpose of rendering emergency medical assistance or to intervene in any other emergency situation where the health or safety of another person is at risk; (d) For custodial, maintenance, or inspection purposes, provided that the restroom or changing facility is not in use; or (e) If the appropriate designated restroom or changing facility is out of order or under repair and the restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite sex contains no person of the opposite sex. A student who willfully enters a restroom or changing facility on the school’s premises in violation of this provision and refuses to depart when asked to do so by any administrative personnel, faculty member, security personnel, or law enforcement personnel shall be subject to disciplinary action by the school, including, but not limited to, warning, probation, suspension, or termination.