- The Institute reserves the right to amend the terms of its Refund Policy to meet the Federal, State, Accrediting Body or any other regulatory agency statutes, guidelines or regulations in effect when an applicant or student withdraws or is terminated.
- All recipients of Federal Title IV grant or loan assistance who withdraw prior to the completion of the payment period are subject to the Federal Return of Funds Policy. This policy requires that if the student withdraws prior to completion of 60% of the payment period, grant or loan assistance that has been disbursed to a student and/or credited to a student’s tuition account be returned in proportion to the period of enrollment remaining. These refunds will first be returned to the federal student aid programs in their required order. Any remaining funds will be returned to the student, or parent as applicable. Refunds will be made within 30 days from the date the student withdrew or the Institute determined the student was no longer in attendance.
- Students shall be notified of their acceptance/rejection in writing. If the Enrollment Agreement is rejected by the Institute, the applicant will be notified and refunded 100% of all monies paid.
- Universal Technical Institute’s refund policy is based on full‑time attendance in courses/programs exceeding 300 hours, but not exceeding 1200 hours (N.J.A.C. 12:41‑4.1). The school may retain the registration fee and a portion of the monies paid for books, equipment and tools. The director of the school must be notified in writing within five (5) business days of the date of withdrawal. The school shall adhere to the following refund policy in the event of notification by the student of withdrawal from the school or termination by the school prior to completion of the course or program:
- Cancellation may be oral and followed in writing by the student, parent or guardian of a minor student.
- All monies paid by an applicant will be refunded if requested within (5) days after signing the Enrollment Agreement and making an initial payment.
- An applicant requesting cancellation beyond the fifth day, but prior to beginning classes will be refunded all monies paid to the Institute or its representatives minus a registration fee of up to 15% of the contract price of the program, but in no event will the Institute retain more than the registration fee ($50) plus the cost of the meter if issued prior to cancellation or withdrawal.
- A student who did not visit the Institute prior to signing the Enrollment Agreement may cancel enrollment without penalty within three (3) days following attendance of the regularly scheduled orientation or a tour of the Institute’s facilities.
- When a student withdraws or is terminated after the commencement of classes, whether initiated by the student or the Institute, a refund calculation will be performed:
- Students are charged by the enrollment periods detailed on the first page of this Agreement.
- For each enrollment period the student has completed, the student is responsible for those charges in full.
- A refund calculation is performed for the enrollment period the student is in when the withdrawal or termination occurs.
- For purposes of the refund calculation, the last date of attendance will be used to determine the percentage of the enrollment period attended.
- Tuition charges for the percentage of the enrollment period completed are based on the percentage of weeks attempted exclusive of any uncharged retakes using the percentages shown below. Partial attendance within a week is considered a full week for purposes of this section.
Time of Withdrawal
Student’s Responsibility
Within first 3 business days of signing this contract
0% of total tuition plus the registration fee
During the first week
10% of total tuition plus the registration fee
During weeks two and three
20% of total tuition plus the registration fee
After three weeks, but prior to 25%
45% of total tuition plus the registration fee
After 25% of program and before 50%
70% of total tuition plus the registration fee
After 50% of program is completed
100% of total tuition plus the registration fee
- If refunds are due as a result of withdrawal, dismissal or cancellation, etc. (exclusive of refunds due to section B above), they will first be applied to any overpayment due to the Federal Title IV programs then to any outstanding private student loan balance. Any remaining funds will be returned to the student, or parent as applicable. Refunds in this section will be made within 10 business days after the date the Institute determines the student is no longer enrolled, dismisses the student, receives notice of withdrawal, the last date of recorded attendance or the date of cancellation, whichever is applicable.
- For programs with more than one enrollment period, tuition charges for the first enrollment period must be paid in full prior to beginning the second enrollment period. Tuition charges for the second or subsequent enrollment period will be assessed according to section E.
- If during the program of training, the Institute determines a student is not suited for this field, the Institute reserves the right to terminate the student’s training. Unused prepaid tuition, if any, will be refunded in accordance with the refund policy.
- In the case of prolonged illness or accident, death in the family, or other circumstances that make it impractical to complete the program, the Institute shall make a settlement that is reasonable and fair to both.