Universal Technical Institute : Lisle, Illinois Campus


A Branch Campus of Universal Technical Institute of Arizona, Inc. – 10695 W. Pierce Street, Suite 100, Avondale, AZ 853233
2611 Corporate West Drive, Lisle, IL 60532 • (630) 529‑2662 • 1‑800‑441‑4248


NOTE: Tuitions are based on enrollment dates – Enrollment date is on or after 2/1/2025

# Programs Sem. Credit Hrs. Clock Hours No. Weeks Tuition Cost* Reg. Fee^ Lab Fee Equip. Fee° Laptop Fee + Total Graduation Document
Automotive Technology                    
8000 Automotive Technology > 68.0 1530.0 51 $44,200.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $44,880.00 Diploma
8100 Automotive Technology + FACT** > 88.0 1980.0 66 $55,000.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $55,680.00 Diploma
8102 Automotive Technology + TPAT**** > 84.0 1890.0 63 $53,000.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $53,680.00 Diploma
8103 Automotive Technology + BMW FastTrack > 84.0 1890.0 63 $53,000.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $53,680.00 Diploma
Diesel Technology                    
8500 Diesel & Industrial Technology > 60.0 1350.0 45 $41,150.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $41,830.00 Diploma
8601 Diesel & Industrial Technology + Daimler Trucks Finish First*** > 76.0 1710.0 57 $49,500.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $50,180.00 Diploma
Automotive & Diesel Technology                    
8700 Automotive/Diesel & Industrial Technology > 100.0 2250.0 75 $56,200.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $56,880.00 Diploma
8800 Automotive/Diesel & Industrial Technology + FACT** > 120.0 2700.0 90 $67,000.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $67,680.00 Diploma
Welding Technology                     
560 Welding Technology  36.0 900.0 36 $23,450.00 $50.00 $195.00 $375.00 N/A $24,070.00 Diploma
Wind Turbine Technician                     
E02000 Wind Turbine Technician  26.5 750.0 30 $19,850.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $20,530.00 Diploma
Industrial Maintenance Technician                      
E01000 Industrial Maintenance Technician 28.0 750.0 30 $19,850.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $300.00 $20,530.00 Diploma
Robotics & Automation Technician                     
R01000 Robotics & Automation Technician  49.0 1275.0 51 $33,900.00 $50.00 $195.00 $135.00 $865.00 $35,145.00 Diploma
* Tuition Cost includes course books (text/workbooks), one work shirt, two T‑shirts, and safety glasses. The lab and meter fees are due prior to the first day of class. A student is permitted to retake only one course for any reason at no additional charge for the duration of their program within the same department group. Upon the second and subsequent retakes, the student will incur a $750 charge. A student who cancels before starting and re-enrolls is subject to a $50.00 fee.
^ Registration fees may vary by state, but in no instance will they exceed the amount listed above.
° Automotive and Diesel students may have their Equipment Fee waived if student owns a multimeter. Equipment fees are due prior to the first day of class.
** FACT represents Ford Accelerated Credential Training. FACT includes Ford diesel instruction.
*** Any currently enrolled student meeting the Attendance requirements may request a program change into the program.
**** TPAT represents Toyota Professional Automotive Training.
> Program not eligible for VA benefits 
+ Laptop fee may be waived if the student owns a laptop that meets system requirements.

Effective: 02/01/2025