
Institute faculty, administration and staff shall not establish inappropriate intimate, sexual, business, contractual or other social relationships with any student, subordinate or colleague upon whose academic or work performance he or she will be required to make professional judgments. The Institute considers it a violation of this policy for any member of Institute faculty, administration or staff to offer or request sexual favors, make sexual advances, engage in sexual conduct, propose or engage in inappropriate business relationships, enter contractual arrangements, purchase or sell goods or services, hire or employ, or inappropriately socialize with any person who is:

  • Enrolled in a class at the Institute.
  • Receiving academic advising or mentoring at the Institute.
  • Working in a capacity at the Institute where the faculty, administrator or staff member is in a position to evaluate the work of such person.
  • Subject to any form of evaluation by the faculty member, administrator or staff member.

The list above is not exhaustive and other situations of fraternization may also result in a violation of this policy. In all circumstances, consent may not be considered a defense to engaging in sexual advances, sexual conduct, or sexual harassment, or engaging in contractual relationships or other inappropriate business relationships with a person whose academic or work performance he or she will be required to evaluate. The determination of what constitutes inappropriate fraternization depends on the specific facts and circumstances in which the conduct occurs. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including employment termination.