Pregnancy Modification Policy

  1. Policy Statement

UTI is committed to providing all students and employees with the opportunity to pursue and attain their individual goals as it relates to UTI’s admissions, employment, and educational programs or activities. This commitment includes UTI’s students and employees who are pregnant, parenting, or experiencing pregnancy related conditions. UTI prohibits differential treatment or discrimination against students and employees based on the student or employee’s current, potential, or past parental, family, marital status, or pregnancy or related condition.

  1. Definitions

“Pregnancy or related conditions” means:

  • Pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation;
  • Medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation; or
  • Recovery from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, or related medical conditions.

“Parental Status” means a person who is a biological parent; adoptive parent; stepparent; foster parent; legal custodian or guardian; in loco parentis with respect to a person; or a person who is actively seeking custody, guardianship, visitation, or adoption of a person.

  1. Student Pregnancy Disclosure

A student who is, or becomes, pregnant or has a related condition is strongly encouraged to notify the Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible. By doing so, the student and the Title IX Coordinator can collaborate and develop an appropriate plan for the continuation of the student’s education considering the unique nature of UTI’s programs and requirements, as well as particular challenges the student may face while pregnant or while experiencing a pregnancy related condition.

If a UTI employee is informed of a student’s pregnancy or related condition by a student or a person who has a legal right to act on behalf of the student, the employee must provide the student or the student’s representative with the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information for further assistance.

information for UTI’s Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinator is as follows:

Jaslyn Ramirez

Director of Program Compliance

Title IX Coordinator

4225 East Windrose Drive, Suite 200

Phoenix, AZ 85032

800-859-7249 or 623-445-0730

Annalise Manginelli

National Director – Student Services/Deputy Title IX Coordinator

4225 East Windrose Drive, Suite 200

Phoenix, AZ 85032

800-859-7249 or 623-445-0813

The employee will also inform the student or the student’s representative that the Title IX Coordinator can coordinate specific actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure the student’s equal access to UTI’s education programs or activities. However, the choice to declare a student’s pregnancy is voluntary, and students and employees are not required to disclose this information to UTI.

After being notified by a student or the student’s representative of the student’s pregnancy or related condition, the Title IX Coordinator will do the following:

  • Inform the student about UTI’s prohibition on sex discrimination, including sex-based harassment.
  • Provide the student with the option of reasonable modifications due to the student’s pregnancy or related conditions.
  • Allow the student voluntary access to any separate and comparable portion of UTI’s education programs or activities.
  • Allow the student a voluntary leave of absence for medical reasons and reinstatement for the student upon return from leave.
  • Provide the student with a private, clean space for lactation that is a space other than a bathroom and is shielded from view and free from intrusion from others.

UTI will not require students to submit supporting documentation for the above items, unless the documentation is necessary and reasonable for UTI to determine the reasonable modifications to make, or whether to take additional, specific actions. Situations where supporting documentation is not necessary may include, but are not limited to, when the student’s need for a specific action is obvious, such as when a student who is pregnant needs a bigger uniform; when the student has previously provided UTI with sufficient supporting documentation; when the reasonable modification at issue is allowing a student to carry or keep water nearby and drink, use a bigger desk, sit or stand, or take breaks to eat, drink, or use the restroom; when the student has lactation needs; or when the requested action is available to other students for reasons other than pregnancy or related conditions and such students are not required to submit supporting documentation.

Additionally, UTI will not require a student who is pregnant or has a related condition to provide certification from a healthcare provider or any other person that the student is physically able to participate in UTI’s class, program, or extracurricular activity unless:

  • The certified level of physical ability or health is necessary for the student’s participation in the class, program, or extracurricular activity;
  • UTI requires such certification of all students participating in the class, program, or extracurricular activity; and
  • The information obtained is not used as a basis for discrimination.
  1. Options After Student Pregnancy Disclosure

Once a student has voluntarily disclosed a pregnancy or related condition to UTI, the student has the following options:

Continue in the Program

  • If a student decides to continue in the program and desires to have any modifications to UTI’s education programs and activities due to the pregnancy or related condition, the student should contact the relevant Student Services Director to discuss any reasonable modifications that may be necessary for the student to continue in the program. Such modifications, if any, are discussed in Section V below, and will be documented in writing and will be signed by both the student and a UTI representative.
  • UTI will also allow a student to voluntarily access any separate and comparable portion of UTI’s education program or activity.

Voluntary Leave of Absence

  • Students have the option to take a leave of absence due to pregnancy or related condition. However, such a leave of absence is not required. Should a student choose to take a leave of absence, a student is permitted to do so based on the medical recommendation of the student’s licensed healthcare provider.
  • A leave of absence due to pregnancy or related condition may be for various amounts of time depending on a student’s particular circumstances and the period deemed medically necessary by the student’s licensed healthcare provider. Such a leave may be extended if deemed medically necessary by the student’s licensed healthcare provider.
  • Students are encouraged to communicate with faculty and supervisors regarding plans for leave to ensure a smooth return to campus.
  • International students are further encouraged to contact their international advisor immediately, as a leave could require the student to leave the country.
  • When a student returns from a leave of absence, the student will be reinstated to the same academic status and, where applicable, extracurricular status, that the student held prior to their leave of absence. This includes the opportunity to make up any work the student missed while on leave.
  • In accordance with ACCSC standards a leave of absence period may not exceed 180 days within any 12-month period. Please refer to UTI’s Leave of Absence Policy for more information. 

Withdraw from UTI

  • The student may, in their sole discretion, determine that they must withdraw from UTI for an indefinite period or permanently due to their pregnancy or related condition. Existing UTI withdrawal procedures, and readmission procedures (if applicable) apply.
  1. Reasonable Modifications for Students

UTI will treat pregnancy or related conditions, or temporary disability resulting from pregnancy or related conditions, consistent with UTI’s policy on temporary medical conditions.

Reasonable modifications for pregnancy or related conditions will be provided to students based on their individualized needs. Such reasonable modifications will be identified through an interactive process with the student; however, a modification is not reasonable if it fundamentally alters the nature of UTI’s education program or activity.

Reasonable modifications may include, but are not limited to:

  • Breaks during class to attend to any necessary medical or lactation needs
  • Excused absences to attend medical appointments
  • Schedule or course changes
  • Test rescheduling
  • Time extensions for coursework
  • Counseling
  • Physical space or supply changes
  • Elevator access
  • Other appropriate policy, practice, or procedure modifications

Students may accept or decline each reasonable modification offered by UTI.

  1. Reasonable Modifications for Employees

UTI will treat employee pregnancy or related conditions as any other temporary medical condition for all job-related purposes and will provide accommodations as appropriate. UTI will further adhere to its leave policies for employee pregnancy or related conditions.

  1. Lactation Stations & Information

UTI provides lactation stations for breastfeeding students and employees.

These spaces provide a private, clean area where students and employees are shielded from view and free from intrusion.

UTI will also allow reasonable break time for employees to express breast milk or breastfeed as needed.

Campus Location

lactation station location description


1st floor, across from the elevator, near the HVACR lab. Private space labeled, "Mother's Room".


Located within the Student Services department. Private space labeled, “Wellness Room”.


3rd floor, across from staff women's restroom. Private space labeled, "Wellness Room".


Located within the administrative office area. Private space labeled, "Nurturing Room".


2nd floor, located within staff breakroom. Private space labeled, "UTI Dallas Nurturing Room". Students or 3rd parties may request access from Student Services or Human Resources Coordinator.


1st floor, located in the 100s hallway, next to the Robotics and Automation lab. Private space labeled, “Wellness Room”.


Main Campus: Located within the administrative office area. Private space labeled, “Nurturing and Wellness Room”. North Campus: Located within the administrative office area. Private space labeled, “Student Interview Room”.


2nd floor, located to the right side of the north restrooms. Private space labeled, “Nurture Room”.

Long Beach

2nd floor, located next to Snap-On desk. Private space labeled, "Mother's Room".


2nd floor, located across from the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR). Private space labeled, "Wellness Room".


Located within the administrative office area. Private space labeled, "Tour Room".


Located in Building C, within the admissions office area. Private space labeled, “Visitor Office”.

Rancho Cucamonga

2nd floor, located within the administrative office area. Private space labeled, "Quiet Room".


Located within the administrative office area. Private space labeled, “Lactation Room”.   

Corporate Office

Located in Room 223, designated in the booking software with a nursing symbol.    

  1. Questions or Concerns

A student who has questions about this policy or who is concerned about its implementation should contact the Title IX Coordinator using the contact information listed in Section III of this policy. Employees with questions about the policy or concerns about its implementation should contact HR at:

Nikki Monroe

East Regional

Human Resources Director

Ext. 10577

East: Bloomfield, Canton, Exton, Lisle, Miramar, NASCAR Tech, Orlando, Military Admissions, East Field Regions

Susan Davis

West Regional

Human Resources Director

Ext. 10320

West: Austin, Avondale/MMI, CTG, Dallas, Houston, Long Beach, Rancho Cucamonga, Sacramento, West Field Regions

Angel Inzauro


Human Resources Director

Ext. 10828  

Corporate Office

Kandice Debnar

East Human Resources

Business Partner

Ext. 13003


Greg Sebble

West Human Resources

Business Partner

Ext. 12157

Michelle Goettl

Corporate Human Resources Business Partner

Ext. 10861




East Human Resources Business Partner

Tatondra Grant

West Human Resources Business Partner

Ext. 10434