The Institute will take appropriate disciplinary action whenever a student violates or is suspected of violating this Substance Abuse Prevention Policy. Reporting to campus under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any substance that impairs a student’s mental or physical capacity WILL NOT BE TOLERATED .
This includes all forms of synthetic marijuana. Any student using physician‑prescribed medication or other medication that may impair performance in either the classroom or the lab shall immediately inform his or her instructor of such medication.
Additionally, any physician‑prescribed drug that might result in a positive drug test must be reported to the Student ServicesDepartment as soon as the student begins using the medication. Failure to provide such notification in a timely manner may subject the student to all the actions, requirements and conditions described in the Drug Testing Procedures of this policy. Possession of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia or alcohol is prohibited.
When the Institute becomes aware of reasonable grounds (as listed below) to believe a student has violated the Substance Abuse Prevention Policy, the Institute will immediately investigate. Such investigation may include appropriate drug and/ or alcohol testing. As a result of such investigation and in the Institute’s sole discretion, one or more of the following actions may occur, depending upon factors that include the nature and severity of the offense:
- verbal warning/advisement
- written warning/advisement
- immediate screening test
- referral to an approved rehabilitation/counseling agency
- attendance failure
- termination
- referral for prosecution
Students should be aware the Institute may bring matters of illegal drug use to the attention of local law enforcement.
Students should fully understand that the Institute supports the criminal prosecution of policy violators, when appropriate.
Reasonable grounds for suspecting substance abuse include, but are not limited to, any one or more of the following:
- slurred speech
- red eyes
- erratic behavior
- inability to perform job/task
- smell of alcohol or marijuana emanating from student’s body
- inability to carry on a rational conversation
- other unexplained behavioral changes
- dilated pupils
- incoherence
- Unsteadiness on feet
- increased carelessness
- receipt of information by UTI/NASCAR Tech indicating a violation of this policy has occurred
To assure clear communication of the required standards of conduct and the sanctions imposed for violation of those standards, the Institute will provide students with a copy of the Substance Abuse Prevention Policy. Students are hereby notified that COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS OF CONDUCT REQUIRED BY THE SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION POLICY IS MANDATORY. IN ORDER TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE, UTI MAY ENGAGE IN DRUG AND/OR ALCOHOL SCREENING TESTS UNDER THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES:
- After an accident occurring at the Institute.
- If the Institute believes an individual has been observed possessing or using a prohibited substance on campus.
- When the Institute believes an individual may be affected by the use of drugs or alcohol, and the use may adversely affect the individual’s effectiveness in the classroom environment or his or her safety as well as the safety of others.
- When the Institute believes a student is impaired during school hours or while engaged in Institute business or Institute‑sponsored activities.
- When the Institute receives a written report from another individual with a relationship to the student (e.g., roommate, parent, landlord) alleging, with documented reasonable grounds, the student has abused drugs or alcohol.
- Upon notification by proper authorities of alleged violations of the Substance Abuse Prevention Policy.
- In addition, periodic random drug screening tests will be administered and any individual who has had a positive drug or alcohol impairment test may be subjected to further testing for the duration of his or her program.