Advanced Non-Destructive Testing Technician


AD10-103: Penetrant Theory/ Application I/II (Plus HAZMAT)

Sem 3

This 75-hour class provides the essentials in Liquid Penetrant testing. This course provides training to enable students to perform valid liquid penetrant testing. Level I and II are combined to allow time for technique demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises. Progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. This course exceeds the requirements of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) for Level I and II studies. HAZMAT training refers to the materials themselves, and this course meets the requirements of 49 CFR 172.704.

ND10-101: NDT Essentials (Intro to NDT) – Materials and Processing

Sem 3

This course lays the foundation for students studying Non-Destructive Testing. This class presents, explains, and demonstrates the foundational subjects necessary for students to fully grasp NDT techniques and associated skills. Students will be introduced to NDT history, NDT testing methods, writing NDT reports, and interpreting Codes and Procedures. Students will review math concepts necessary for this field. Students successfully completing the course will be well prepared for the techniques found in the NDT curriculum that follows.

ND10-102: Visual Theory I &II (plus ISO Dwgs)

Sem 3

This 75-hour class provides the essentials in Visual testing. This course provides training to enable students to perform valid visual testing. Level I and II are combined to allow time for technique demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises. Progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. This course exceeds the requirements of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) for Level I and II studies. ISO Drawings training refers to the understanding, reading, and interpretation of isometric drawings used in the industry.

ND10-103: Penetrant Theory/ Application I/II (Plus HAZMAT)

Sem 3

This 75-hour class provides the essentials in Liquid Penetrant testing. This course provides training to enable students to perform valid liquid penetrant testing. Level I and II are combined to allow time for technique demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises. Progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. This course exceeds the requirements of the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) for Level I and II studies. HAZMAT training refers to the materials themselves, and this course meets the requirements of 49 CFR 172.704.

ND10-104: Magnetic Particle Theory/Application l / ll

Sem 3

This course explains the theory of Magnetic Particle inspection and incorporates didactic information coupled with presentations, explanations, and demonstrations of the equipment used. Level I and II are combined to allow for technique demonstrations and hands-on lab exercises. Progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. This course exceeds the requirements of the American Society for Nondestructive testing for Level I and II studies.

ND10-105: Eddy Current Theory / Application-Level I

Sem 3

This 75-hour course provides the essentials in electromagnetic theory. It trains students to perform valid Eddy Current tests. Level I and II material is combined to allow technique demonstrations as well as hands-on lab exercises. Student progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. The curriculum exceeds the requirements of the American Society of Nondestructive Testing for Level I studies.

ND10-106: Eddy Current Theory / Application ll

Sem 3

This 75-hour course provides the essentials in advanced electromagnetic theory. It trains students to perform valid Eddy Current tests. Level I and II material is combined to allow technique demonstrations as well as hands-on lab exercises. Student progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. The curriculum exceeds the requirements of the American Society of Nondestructive Testing for Level II studies.

ND10-107: Radiation Safety

Sem 3

This 75-hour course explains the theory and practice of Radiography testing. This course begins with a 40-hour Radiation Safety program which is approved and recognized by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and meets Texas state Department of Health and Human Services requirements. Radiation safety is required of anyone working with ionizing radiation. Safe working practices are covered in detail.

ND10-108: Radiographic Theory/Application I

Sem 3

This course explains Radiographic Inspection techniques with presentations, explanations, and equipment demonstrations using commonly available equipment. This course presents didactic information as well as hands-on activities in a supervised laboratory environment. Progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. Students will develop skills and understanding that exceed those required for certification to the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Level I standards.

ND10-109: Radiographic Theory/Application II

Sem 3

This course explains Radiographic Inspection techniques with presentations, explanations, and equipment demonstrations using commonly available equipment. This course presents didactic information as well as hands-on activities in a supervised laboratory environment. Progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. Students will develop skills and understanding that exceed those required for certification to the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Level II standards.

ND10-110: Ultrasonic Theory/Application I

Sem 3

This course explains Ultrasonic Inspection techniques with presentations, explanations, and equipment demonstrations using commonly available equipment. This course presents didactic information as well as hands-on activities in a supervised laboratory environment. Progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. Students will develop skills and understanding that exceed those required for certification to the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Level I and II standards.

ND10-111: Ultrasonic Theory/Application II

Sem 3

This course explains Ultrasonic Inspection techniques with presentations, explanations, and equipment demonstrations using commonly available equipment. This course presents didactic information as well as hands-on activities in a supervised laboratory environment. Progress is monitored with lesson-by-lesson quizzes, and evaluation examinations that cover General, Specific, and Practical. Students will develop skills and understanding that exceed those required for certification to the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Level I and II standards.

ND10-112: Capstone

Sem 3

This course is the culmination of all courses taught in the NDT program. It provides an in-depth review of all classes and modules included in the Advanced Nondestructive Testing program. This class will verify student training in each area of study. Students will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of each NDT technique using quizzes, exams, and hands-on demonstrations in preparation for the final exam given at the conclusion of this program.