UTI Marine / UTI Motorcycle

  • Students who are scheduled to return from a Leave of Absence must attend no later than the start of the first day of the course they are scheduled to attend. Students who do not attend class on their scheduled return date will be considered as having withdrawn unless they have been approved to return the day after their scheduled return date due to special circumstances or an additional leave has been requested and approved.
  • Students who do not attend any portion or show academic activity (if blended) during week one or week two of a course will receive a failure for the course. Students will be required to retake the course and pay any applicable fees.
  • Students are responsible for keeping track of their own attendance during each course. The school will notify students regarding course status, including failures, via emailed progress reports the week following a course end date.
  • Graduation dates are subject to change when students fail a course, take a Leave of Absence, or otherwise experience an interruption during their program of study. Students will be advised of graduation date changes during advising sessions on the aforementioned items .

Academic Standards and Grading

The purpose of technical education is to prepare graduates for employment in their chosen careers. For this reason, academic evaluation is administered to relate a student’s progress in terms of employee proficiencies expected by business and industry.

Grading is based on lab work, class work and professionalism. Student progress reports are issued at the end of each course period. Sponsoring agencies are mailed copies of progress reports, where permitted by FERPA, on a regular basis.

  • Students will receive deductions in the professionalism components of the overall course grade for tardiness or early departure.
  • Students will be required to repeat any course in which they receive more than seven professionalism infractions. Under these conditions, the course grade will be entered as “Failed.” (An explanation is in the Academic Standards and Grading section.) In keeping with the concept that all learning opportunities should be maximized, such students are encouraged to attend the remainder of the course, complete lab work, and take tests (excluding end‑of‑course tests). A numeric grade will not be awarded.

Overall Course Grade

In order to successfully complete a course, Marine Program students must achieve at least a 70% numeric grade in each course performance factor (classwork, lab work, and professionalism). A numeric grade for each course is determined by the weighted average of the overall classwork grade (50%) and lab work grade (50%) for the course.

In order to successfully complete a course, Motorcycle Program students must achieve at least a 70% overall course grade and no more than 7 professionalism infractions. A numeric grade for each course is determined by the weighted average of the overall classwork grade (20%) and lab work grade (80%) for the course.

In the event of a failed course in Marine or Motorcycle, a satisfactory grade of 70% or better for the repeated course will replace the previous unsatisfactory grade in the cumulative grade point average and on the transcript.