If a student wishes to resume school after being considered withdrawn, the student must wait at least six weeks to allow for record processing.
Students who voluntarily decide not to continue their education at UTI/NASCAR Tech will be considered withdrawn from school as of:
- the date UTI/NASCAR Tech is notified of the student’s withdrawal, or
- the date the school determines the student is no longer attending, or
- the date the student is expected to resume classes but fails to do so following an approved leave of absence (see Leave of Absence policy) or as stated on a written intent to return to class.
Withdrawn students should refer to the refund policy as described in their individual Enrollment Agreements. A $100 administrative fee will be charged for a withdrawal (where applicable).
UTI/NASCAR Tech will send withdrawal notifications to local, state and/or federal education benefit agencies as appropriate and required, including but not limited to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Such notifications may result in the cancellation of benefits and/or the recipient of funds being required to repay funds to the agency involved.