Universal Technical Institute (Motorcycle and Marine) Catalog
UTI is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). The ACCSC is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as an institutionally recognized accrediting agency.
The listings below are the core Motorcycle Technology Prerequisite (MTP) programs and Manufacturer‑Specific Advanced Training (MSAT) along with their descriptions and objectives. Also listed are the various approved combinations of the core programs and MSAT along with their available locations. The course numbers are made up of numbers and letters that represent the name of the program and the sequence of courses offered.
Note: Manufacturer‑specific training may not be taken by themselves and require the completion the core Motorcycle Technician Prerequisite (MTP).
Selecting Your Training Program
UTI makes it easy for you to structure your training program to fit your career plans. A variety of manufacturer‑specific training courses allows you to customize your training program. Motorcycle Technician Specialist training programs, which vary in total number of weeks according to the courses you select, are listed below:
Student Services
Career Services
Financial Aid
Student Information Guide
The Student Information Guide provides UTI/NTI student policies and state‑specific policies. Some states have specific regulatory requirements the school must meet when serving the educational needs of their students.
Contents and policies included in this catalog are intended to remain in effect for a period of one year from the date of publication. However, UTI reserves the right to make changes when required by Institutional policy or federal, state or accrediting agency regulation. Such changes will not negatively affect currently enrolled students and will be approved in advance when required by the school’s state regulatory body.
UTI will endeavor to provide advance notice of any changes in these requirements for states in which it is licensed prior to those changes becoming effective. Questions regarding any portion of these requirements should be directed to the Campus President listed in the Administration Rosters section.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. The Institute strives to provide students with a secure and safe environment. Classrooms and laboratories comply with the requirements of applicable federal, state and local regulations.
As noted in the Annual Security Report, UTI/NASCAR Tech/ UTI supports a drug‑free environment and does not allow the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol on or off campus. As a condition of acceptance, UTI/NASCAR Tech students agree to random and for‑cause drug testing throughout their attendance as set forth in UTI/NASCAR Tech/UTI Substance Abuse Prevention Policy in this guide. A violation will result in UTI/NASCAR Tech taking appropriate action up to and including termination.
UTI/NASCAR Tech encourages eligible students to register to vote. Voter registration forms are available in the Student Services Department. For more information, see the Student Services team members. Students can also register at https://www.uti.edu/support-services/voter-registration.
For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program and other important information, please visit www.uti.edu/disclosures .
Students are encouraged to first seek assistance for any type of concern from the appropriate department Director or Campus President at their campus. Contact information can be found in the Administrative Rosters section of the Catalog.
All complaint investigations are reviewed fully and fairly. If any conflicts of interest arise, another campus director will assume investigation duties. UTI prohibits any type of retaliation against a student for lodging a complaint and will promptly investigate any reports of retaliation.
- Once a formal, written complaint is received, the Director of the department will attempt to resolve the student's complaint. At that time, the student will be issued a letter acknowledging receipt of the complaint and outlining next steps. An investigation into the alleged complaint will commence and should be completed within 30 days, with any delays communicated to the appropriate parties.
- If the department director is unable to resolve the issue, he or she will bring the issue to the Campus President for resolution.
- Throughout the process, the campus team will consult with divisional leaders as needed and appropriate.
- At the conclusion of the investigation, a written decision is provided to the student, which includes a description of the complaint, the evaluation of all relevant information, and any applicable decisions.
Nothing in this policy prevents a student from contacting his or her respective state agency with concerns or complaints.